
Immerse yourself in the history of the Global Transparency Initiative

Have you ever thought about how dependent we are on technology and how little visibility we have into it? Only trust can make this digital journey truly fortless. And trust relies on transparency.

To foster digital trust and accountability, we have launched our Global Transparency Initiative (GTI).

The Global Transparency Initiative's key pillars included the relocation of cyberthreat-related data storage and processing to Zurich, Switzerland.

The opening of a global network of Transparency Centers — trust-building facilities to enable the review of our source code, threat detection rules and AV builds.

Regular third-party assessments to verify the integrity of our solutions and processes.

Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation (CC)

Service and Organization Controls 2 (SOC 2)

ISO 27001 international standard for information security

Increased bug bounty rewards of up to $100,000 for the most critical vulnerabilities found in our products.

The release of Transparency Reports with data on law enforcement's requests for user data and technical expertise.

The launch of the Cyber Capacity Building Program — a dedicated training course on product security evaluation for greater cyber-resilience.

Embrace Kaspersky's transparency journey